Orthopedic Wellness: Spinal Tumor Recovery: Mary Martinez is back to bowling and golfing and is “doing fantastic,” though she says she’s under doctor’s orders not to lift refrigerators...
Spinal Tumor Recovery
Mary Martinez is back to bowling and golfing and is “doing fantastic,” though she says she’s under doctor’s orders not to lift refrigerators or break up concrete. Just one year ago, the 60-year-old Martinez was treated for lung cancer that had metastasized to her spine, and Jacob Buchowski, MD, MS, had to implant two artificial vertebrae to replace those that had been consumed by cancer.
Martinez, whose nickname at Barnes-Jewish Hospital was “the sledgehammer lady,” first learned that something was wrong when her back made an audible “pop” while she was wielding a sledgehammer to break up an old walk around her swimming pool. Excruciating pain below her shoulder blade radiated down her arm and made her left side ineffective.
Based on the advice of her chiropractor, Martinez underwent an MRI when X-rays were negative and three weeks of chiropractic treatment did nothing to relieve the pain. The scans revealed a lesion on her lung, which Martinez, a long-time smoker, says matter-of-factly didn’t surprise her. It took exploratory surgery to find the cancer’s metastasis to the spine.
Eventually, Martinez was referred to a Siteman Cancer Center oncologist, but the disease was unresponsive to chemotherapy, and surgery on both her lungs and her spine was scheduled for St. Patrick’s Day of ’08.
In a complex, day-long surgery, Buchowski and colleagues removed the entire tumor which originated in the lung and invaded two thoracic vertebrae. The extent of tumor involvement made it necessary to reconstruct the spine with a metal cage, screws, and rods.
Although the need for radiation prior to surgery made wound healing difficult and Buchowski had to schedule plastic surgery by a colleague, the problem was completely resolved. Martinez, a former Illinois special education teacher, says now that she is “not quite the Energizer Bunny,” but is grateful to be active again and lucky that the sledgehammer incident introduced her to Buchowski.
“I did my research on the Internet, and he was the right man for the job. He always made me feel very secure, and always told me the truth, including that my surgery would last about 10 hours. I’m very thankful that Dr. Buchowski could help me.”
Martinez, whose nickname at Barnes-Jewish Hospital was “the sledgehammer lady,” first learned that something was wrong when her back made an audible “pop” while she was wielding a sledgehammer to break up an old walk around her swimming pool. Excruciating pain below her shoulder blade radiated down her arm and made her left side ineffective.
Based on the advice of her chiropractor, Martinez underwent an MRI when X-rays were negative and three weeks of chiropractic treatment did nothing to relieve the pain. The scans revealed a lesion on her lung, which Martinez, a long-time smoker, says matter-of-factly didn’t surprise her. It took exploratory surgery to find the cancer’s metastasis to the spine.
Eventually, Martinez was referred to a Siteman Cancer Center oncologist, but the disease was unresponsive to chemotherapy, and surgery on both her lungs and her spine was scheduled for St. Patrick’s Day of ’08.
In a complex, day-long surgery, Buchowski and colleagues removed the entire tumor which originated in the lung and invaded two thoracic vertebrae. The extent of tumor involvement made it necessary to reconstruct the spine with a metal cage, screws, and rods.
Although the need for radiation prior to surgery made wound healing difficult and Buchowski had to schedule plastic surgery by a colleague, the problem was completely resolved. Martinez, a former Illinois special education teacher, says now that she is “not quite the Energizer Bunny,” but is grateful to be active again and lucky that the sledgehammer incident introduced her to Buchowski.
“I did my research on the Internet, and he was the right man for the job. He always made me feel very secure, and always told me the truth, including that my surgery would last about 10 hours. I’m very thankful that Dr. Buchowski could help me.”
Recuperación Tumor Espinal
María Martínez jugar al golf después de la cirugía del tumor de la médula, María Martínez ha vuelto a los bolos y el golf y está "haciendo fantástico", aunque ella dice que está bajo las órdenes del médico de no levantar los refrigeradores o romper hormigón. Hace apenas un año, el 60-años de edad, Martínez fue tratado de cáncer de pulmón que había hecho metástasis en la columna vertebral, y Jacob Buchowski, MD, MS, tuvo que implantar dos vértebras artificiales para reemplazar a aquellos que habían sido consumidos por el cáncer.
Martínez, cuyo apodo en el Hospital Barnes-Jewish era "la señora martillo", se enteró de que algo andaba mal cuando su espalda hizo un "pop" audible mientras ella blandía un martillo para romper un viejo paseo alrededor de su piscina. Un dolor insoportable debajo de su omóplato radiada por el brazo y la hizo parte izquierda ineficaz.
Sobre la base de los consejos de su quiropráctico, Martínez se sometió a una resonancia magnética cuando los rayos X fueron negativos y tres semanas de tratamiento quiropráctico no hizo nada para aliviar el dolor. Los escáneres revelaron una lesión en el pulmón, lo que Martínez, un fumador desde hace mucho tiempo, dice no sorprendió asunto con total naturalidad ella. Tomó una cirugía exploratoria para encontrar la metástasis del cáncer de la columna vertebral.
Finalmente, Martínez se refirió a un oncólogo del Centro de Cáncer Siteman, pero la enfermedad no respondía a la quimioterapia y la cirugía en ambos pulmones y la columna vertebral se programó para el día de San Patricio del '08.
En una cirugía compleja de todo el día, Buchowski y colegas extirpa todo el tumor que se originó en el pulmón e invadieron dos vértebras torácicas. El grado de afectación tumoral hizo necesario reconstruir la columna vertebral con una jaula de metal, tornillos y varillas.
Aunque la necesidad de la radiación antes de la cirugía realizada la cicatrización de heridas difíciles y Buchowski tenido que programar la cirugía plástica por un colega, el problema fue resuelto por completo. Martínez, un ex maestro de educación especial en Illinois, dice ahora que "no es bastante el conejito de Energizer", pero agradece a sus actividades diarias y la suerte de que el incidente martillo le presentó a Buchowski.
"Yo hice mi investigación en Internet, y él era el hombre adecuado para el trabajo. Él siempre me hizo sentir muy seguro, y siempre me ha dicho la verdad, incluida la de mi cirugía iba a durar cerca de 10 horas. Estoy muy agradecido de que el doctor Buchowski me podía ayudar ".
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