Ortopedia oncológica

Ortopedia oncológica
Dr. Ernesto Gibrán González Salinas

martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Interscapulothoracic resection of tumours of shoulder with a note on reconstruction

The Tikhoff–Linberg procedure prove to be a useful method for wide resection of a malignant tumour of the shoulder girdle which helps to preserve hand and elbow function http://tiny.cc/qcz5fx ‪#‎oncology‬‪#‎bonejointj‬
We retrospectively reviewed the outcomes of 33 consecutive patients who had undergone an extra-articular, total or partial scapulectomy for a malignant tumour of the shoulder girdle between 1 July 2001 and 30 September 2013. Of these, 26 had tumours which originated in the scapula or the adjacent so…

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